Die korrekte Verwendung von Schlepplaternen ist essentiell für die Vermeidung von Kollisionen, da sie anderen Schiffen die besondere Situation des Schleppvorgangs anzeigen.
Farbe und Anordnung
Schleppschiffe führen zusätzlich zu ihren normalen Navigationslichtern (Toplicht, Seitenlichter, Hecklicht) eine gelbe Rundumleuchte. Die gelbe Rundumleuchte signalisiert, dass es sich um ein Schleppfahrzeug handelt.
Positionierung und Anzahl
Bei Schleppvorgängen, bei denen die Länge des Schleppseils einschließlich des geschleppten Objekts 200 Meter oder weniger beträgt, führt das Schleppschiff am Heck eine gelbe Rundumleuchte zusätzlich zum weißen Hecklicht.
Wenn der Schleppvorgang länger als 200 Meter ist, führt das Schleppschiff zwei gelbe Rundumleuchten in vertikaler Linie.
LED navigation lights series S64Finally boats with limited battery capacity when driving at night can put proper lights.No more unnecessary risk of collision!In one lantern of the comparison between the conventional technology and LED technology shows the advantages of the new stunning light sources.Thus, instead of 25 W of power only 1.6W needed. Thus the series is S64 the most economical navigation lights series in the world. The operating time is however, at a multiple of the previous navigation lights.K2WLights LED navigation lights are made exclusively from high-quality materials such as marine grade aluminum and stainless steel. Weatherproof Boroglas prevents blindness of the lenses. Elaborate long-term tests have confirmed the functionality and durability of LEDNavigationslichter even under the worst maritime conditions. Thanks to high-power LED LED navigation lights reach a nautical range of more than two or three miles, the masthead light even over six miles. K2WLights LED navigation lights combine technical qualities with elegant design.The LED navigation lights K2WLights brand are certified by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany and the Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine, on the basis of provisions of the EU approved.Weight: 330 gPower consumption: 1 WVisibilities: 2 nmto vessel length: 50 mDimensions Dia. x height: 64 x 54 mm (base: 72 x 72 x 65 mm)Rated Voltage: 12/24 V DCThe LED navigation lights S64 is available in four versions:STANDARD (photo left with towing light)CLASSIC (Housing color see photo below) - about 120 grams heavier,NICKEL (Housing color see photo below)WHITE (Housing color see photo below)BASE (Body Color see photo below) with base - about 170 grams heavierIllustrations, Postionslichter versions below not the same product description !!!For an overview and technical data here:K2W - LED navigation lights
€579.00*(5.03% saved vs. recommended price)
LED navigation lights series S64Finally boats with limited battery capacity when driving at night can put proper lights.No more unnecessary risk of collision!In one lantern of the comparison between the conventional technology and LED technology shows the advantages of the new stunning light sources.Thus, instead of 25 W of power only 1.6W needed. Thus the series is S64 the most economical navigation lights series in the world. The operating time is however, at a multiple of the previous navigation lights.K2WLights LED navigation lights are made exclusively from high-quality materials such as marine grade aluminum and stainless steel. Weatherproof Boroglas prevents blindness of the lenses. Elaborate long-term tests have confirmed the functionality and durability of LEDNavigationslichter even under the worst maritime conditions. Thanks to high-power LED LED navigation lights reach a nautical range of more than two or three miles, the masthead light even over six miles. K2WLights LED navigation lights combine technical qualities with elegant design.The LED navigation lights K2WLights brand are certified by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany and the Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine, on the basis of provisions of the EU approved.Weight: 330 gPower consumption: 1 WVisibilities: 2 nmto vessel length: 50 mDimensions Dia. x height: 64 x 54 mm (base: 72 x 72 x 65 mm)Rated Voltage: 12/24 V DCThe LED navigation lights S64 is available in four versions:STANDARD (photo left with towing light)CLASSIC (Housing color see photo below) - about 120 grams heavier,NICKEL (Housing color see photo below)WHITE (Housing color see photo below)BASE (Body Color see photo below) with base - about 170 grams heavierIllustrations, Postionslichter versions below not the same product description !!!For an overview and technical data here:K2W - LED navigation lights
€366.00*(5.08% saved vs. recommended price)
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