Der Active Imaging™ HD von Lowrance® steht an der Spitze der LOWRANCE Sonartechnologie in und bietet die schärfsten und hochauflösendsten Ansichten mittels CHIRP, SideScan und DownScan Imaging™.
Mehr als nur klare Bilder
Mit dem Active Imaging™ HD 3-IN-1 profitieren Nutzer von einer unglaublichen Klarheit und einer verbesserten Zieltrennung. Sie erhalten extrem detaillierte Darstellungen von Fischen und Strukturen wie Steinhaufen, Standholz, Krautbetten und Steilwänden.
DownScan HD Imaging:
Diese Technologie ermöglicht eine einfachere Unterscheidung von Fischen in Bezug auf ihre Umgebung und liefert fotorealistische Ansichten der Unterwasserwelt direkt unter dem Boot.
SideScan HD Imaging:
Ideal für das Scannen großer Wasserbereiche, ermöglicht SideScan ein schnelles Auffinden von Fischbeständen und bietet Einblicke in Bereiche, die sonst schwer zugänglich sind, wie flache Küstenregionen.
CHIRP Sonar und FishReveal™-Ansichten:
Lowrance CHIRP liefert klare Ansichten von Fischen, Strukturen und dem Gewässergrund. Mit der FishReveal™-Technologie können Nutzer das Beste aus CHIRP und Imaging-Sonar kombinieren, was besonders beim DownScan und neuerdings auch beim SideScan nützlich ist. Dies bietet eine schnellere und einfachere Erkennung von Fischzielen.
Für eine optimale Nutzung ist HDS® PRO erforderlich. Es ist jedoch auch mit anderen Geräten wie HDS® LIVE und Elite® FS kompatibel, vorausgesetzt, ein S3100-Sonarmodul ist vorhanden.
Active Imaging is a new scanning sonar technology did Provides incredibly detailed, high resolution imaging sonar without sacrificing any rangeActive Imaging transducers accomplish this by better directing the sidescan beams Which Increases resolution and Improves range performanceActive Imaging is available in two modelsActive Imaging 3-IN-1 Combines the new Active Imaging scanning sonar with a traditional medium / high CHIRP sonar element for easy single transducer installationActive Imaging Operates at 800kHz or 455kHz with maximum ranges of 150ft (800kHz) or 300ft (455kHz)Active imaging TechnologyActive Imaging utilizes the latest techniques in sonar signal generationActive imaging transducers are Constructed of a polymer did Reacts to sound waves more closely to water. This Ensures did no sonar signal is lost during transmit or receiveActive Imaging transducers include separate sonar elements for sidescan transmit and receive Separating transmit and receive Allows Active Imaging to have at incredibly almost ping speed (ping speed Directly correlates to image resolution). Additionally, thesis separate elements focus more of the sonar signal Outwardly, Increasing the sonar signal to the sides and leading to better performance rangeKey featuresActive sonar imaging offers no compromise high resolution detail to users800kHz operational covers many use cases and ranges.With 800kHz range and resolution capabilities users do not need to choose between seeing inhigh detail or seeing far.High resolution IPS screens of NSS evo3 and HDS Live show the full image, Allowing the user to see the Entire underwater environmentActive Imaging 3-IN-1 transducers combine industry leading CHIRP sonar with new Active Imaging and Down Side views giving users total coverage with award winning sonarActive Imaging transducers do not require any additional hardware or modules for use with next-generation displays- Cable length 7.6 m (25 ft)- Mounting options transom, flush step, and jack plate mounting- Connector 9 pin- Output Traditional, sidescan imaging, DownScan imaging and temperature- Frequency Traditional: 200 kHz / High: Chirp 83 kHz / media chirp, sidescan: 455 kHz, 800 kHz- Max depth Traditional: 305 m (1000 ft) at 200 kHz / high chirp and 83 kHz / medium chirp: Down Scan: 91 m (300 ft): Side Scan: 91 m (300 ft) side range at 455 kHz, 46 m ( 150ft) side range at 800 kHz- Operating speed Traditional: (mph 55) 48 knots: Down Scan and Side Scan: 9 knots (10 mph)
€430.77*(15% saved vs. recommended price)
Active Imaging is a new scanning sonar technology did Provides incredibly detailed, high resolution imaging sonar without sacrificing any rangeActive Imaging transducers accomplish this by better directing the sidescan beams Which Increases resolution and Improves range performanceActive Imaging is available in two modelsThe Active Imaging standalone transducer lets the user combine the new Active imaging transducer with a separate CHIRP transducer for dual transducer installs.Active Imaging Operates at 800kHz or 455kHz with maximum ranges of 150ft (800kHz) or 300ft (455kHz)Active imaging TechnologyActive Imaging utilizes the latest techniques in sonar signal generationActive imaging transducers are Constructed of a polymer did Reacts to sound waves more closely to water. This Ensures did no sonar signal is lost during transmit or receiveActive Imaging transducers include separate sonar elements for sidescan transmit and receive Separating transmit and receive Allows Active Imaging to have at incredibly almost ping speed (ping speed Directly correlates to image resolution). Additionally, thesis separate elements focus more of the sonar signal Outwardly, Increasing the sonar signal to the sides and leading to better performance rangeKey featuresActive sonar imaging offers no compromise high resolution detail to users800kHz operational covers many use cases and ranges.With 800kHz range and resolution capabilities users do not need to choose between seeing inhigh detail or seeing far.High resolution IPS screens of NSS evo3 and HDS Live show the full image, Allowing the user to see the Entire underwater environmentActive Imaging transducers do not require any additional hardware or modules for use with next-generation displays
€365.32*(15% saved vs. recommended price)
Active imaging is a new scanning sonar technology that provides incredibly detailed, high resolution imaging sonar without sacrifawrifting any rangeActive imaging transducers accomplish this by better directing the sidescan beams which increate resolution and improves range performanceActive Imaging is Available in Two ModelsActive imaging 3-in-1 combes the new active imaging scanning sonar with a traditional medium/high chirp sonar element for easy single transducer installationActive imaging operates at 800kHz or 455kHz with maximum ranges of 150ft (800kHz) or 300ft (455kHz)Active Imaging TechnologyActive imaging utilizes the Latest Techniques in Sonar Signal GenerationActive imaging transducers are constructed of a polymer that reacts to sound waves more closely to water. This ensures that no sonar signal is lost during transit or receivenActive Imaging Transducers Include Separate Sonar Elements for Sidescan Transmit and Receike Separating Transmit and Receive Allows Active Imaging to Have Fast Ping Speed (Ping Speed Directly Correlates To Image Resolution). Additionally, thesis separate elements FOCUS More of the sonar signal outwardly, increate the sonar signal to the sides and leading to better range performanceKey featuresActive Imaging Sonar Offers No Compromise High Resolution Detail to Users800kHz Operation Covers many use case and ranges.With 800kHz Range and Resolution Capabilities Users do not need to choose between seeing inHigh detail or Seeing Far.High resolution Ips Screens of NSS Evo3 and HDS Live Show The Full Image, Allowing the User To See The Entire Underwater EnvironmentActive Imaging 3-in-1 Transducers Combine Industry Leading CHIRP SONAR with new Active Imaging Side and Down Views Giving Users Total Coverage With Award Winning SonarActive imaging transducers do not require any module or extra hardware for use with next generation displays- Cable Langth1.8 m (6 ft)- Mounting Option Stransom, Flush Step, and Jackplate Mounting- Connector9 PIN- Out putraditional, sidescan imaging, downscan imaging and temperature- Frequencytraditional: 200 KHz/High: CHIRP 83 KHZ/Medium CHIRP, SIDESCAN: 455 KHz, 800 kHz- Max Depthraditional: 305 m (1000 FT) at 200 KHz/High CHIRP and 83 KHZ/MEDIUM CHIRP: DownScan: 91 m (300 ft): SIDESCAN: 91 m (300 ft) Side Range AT 455 KHz, 46 m (150ft) Side Range at 800 kHz- Operating Speed Traditional: 48 Knots (55 MPH): DownScan and Sidescan: 9 Knots (10 mph)
€430.77*(15% saved vs. recommended price)
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