AM/FM Antennen auf Yachten dienen dem Empfang von Audio-Rundfunksignalen über Amplitudenmodulation (AM) und Frequenzmodulation (FM). Diese Antennen sind spezifisch dafür ausgelegt, Radiosignale auch in der maritimen Umgebung zu empfangen, wo andere Empfangsmöglichkeiten wie Internet oder Satellitenradio möglicherweise nicht verfügbar oder unzuverlässig sind.
Auf See ist es wichtig, über die aktuellen Wetterbedingungen informiert zu sein. AM/FM-Radio bietet oft lokale Nachrichten und Wetterupdates. Im Fall einer Notlage können über AM/FM-Radio Durchsagen und Warnungen verbreitet werden.
Im Vergleich zu komplexeren Kommunikationssystemen ist der Radioempfang über AM/FM Antennen relativ simpel und benötigt keine komplizierte Ausrichtung oder Konfiguration. Der Empfang von AM/FM-Signalen ist kostenfrei; es entstehen keine Abonnementgebühren wie bei einigen Satelliten- oder Streamingdiensten.
Robust, frosted glass fiber antenna for FM and medium wave reception on board, which is also extremely easy to assemble because the cable is already closed on the antenna.- length 1.2 m- Frequency range on 550- Fastening 1 inch 14 TPI- Delivery with 5 m antenna cable (RG58) and car radio Stecker (Motorola).
€54.90*(10.02% saved vs. recommended price)
Adaptation of the isolated backstay as a receiving antenna.The isolated backstay provides a very powerful passive antenna has a very good reception performance at low Storempfindlichkeit.We recommend mounting the balun below deck.The connection to the backstay is then via a braided cable and aBackstay made.- frequency range of 0.1 - 30 MHz- 50 O Impedenz- Anschlus via cable connector PL 259
€121.90*(14.77% saved vs. recommended price)
Powerful passive antenna with very good Empfangsleistung.Das plastic-coated steel cable has provided a length of 8 meters and is at both ends with thimbles.The permanently attached balun is used to adapt as Empfangsantenne.Ideal for operating on chartered yachts or in the home garden.Length 8mFrequency ranges from 0.1 to 30 MHz-Impedenz 50?-Connection via cable connector PL 259
€162.90*(14.73% saved vs. recommended price)
Robust, unbreakable rubber antenna for the FM and AM reception on board with integrated mounting flange.- Length only about 0.3 m- Frequency range AM 550- 1600/88 FM- 108 MHz- impedance of 93 ohms- Supplied with 3 m Antennnkabel and car radio plugs (Motorola).
€61.90*(10.5% saved vs. recommended price)
UNIVERSAL DAB receiving antenna of white glass fiber - 1.2 m long, WIN - FME TERMINATION - THREAD STANDARD 5 / 8''X24.AB (Digital Audio Broadcasting) is a digital transmission standard for terrestrial reception of digital radio.With the DAB antenna Glomex even more radio stations can be received.The quality of the transmitter is very good and can be heard while driving.The antenna consists of high-quality material.This is to fiberglass, also the material to protect against yellowing.The antenna is 1.2 m long and can be mounted on a mast as well as on various optional mountings on motor boats.The lower base of the antenna has a 5/8 "internal thread and can be optionally adjusted with adapters on supports.You can get the antenna with a low-loss coaxial cable RG62 in different lengths.The cable is then prefabricated with FME connector.On the other side there is a Motorola connector, making it easy on your DAB system to install.With the extension RA301 make in no time from the antenna a longer antenna (2.4 m).This extension is easy to assemble with the 1 inch thread the extension can thus be screwed on the antenna.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSFREQUENCY RANGE: 174/240 MHzIMPEDANCE: 50 ohmsPOLARIZATION: VerticalANTENNA LENGHT: 1.2 / 4 'ANTENNA WEIGHT: 325g / oz 11:46TERMINATION: FME
€79.40*(10.08% saved vs. recommended price)
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